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Act now to protest Israeli hijack of Gaza aid boat

Heathrow press conference scheduled for 4 pm this afternoon

The Gaza aid ship Spirit of Humanity

Please help us break the siege of Gaza
Monday, 06 July 2009 09:01
Last Updated on Monday, 06 July 2009 09:04
Written by Free Gaza Team
05 JULY 2009

“The landing of two wooden boats carrying human rights activists in Gaza is an important symbolic victory ... Above all, what is being tested is whether the imaginative engagement of dedicated private citizens can influence the struggle of a beleaguered people for basic human rights, and whether their courage and commitment can awaken the conscience of humanity to an unfolding tragedy.”
- Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the OPT (August 2008)

Dear Friends,

On Tuesday, July 30 the Israeli Navy forcibly boarded our boat, SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, confiscating the ship and abducting 21 human rights workers and journalists, including Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire and former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Israel's violent actions temporarily prevented us from delivering much needed humanitarian and reconstruction supplies to besieged Gaza.

All of us in the Free Gaza Movement have been overwhelmed with the support and well-wishes we have received in these past days. All of us are deeply grateful for the thousands of phone calls and emails that you have sent, the demonstrations that have been organized around the world, and the pressure you have brought to bear on Israel and your own governments to free the 'Free Gaza 21.' Thank you.

We began this campaign three years ago on hope alone. Many thought it couldn’t be done. We did it. We broke through the Israeli siege. But we need your help to keep going. To date, the Free Gaza Movement has organized eight voyages to Palestine, successfully arriving in Gaza Port five times. We have brought dozens of human rights workers, journalists, parliamentarians, and others to Gaza, as well as tons of desperately needed medical and humanitarian supplies. Free Gaza boats are the first international ships to sail to the Gaza Strip since 1967.

Some are wondering whether or not this project is still sustainable. We don't just believe that it is - we know that it is. If history demonstrates anything, it is that the greatest of injustices can crumble in the blink of an eye when confronted with a well-organized and determined resistance.

That’s why we're turning to you today. We need your help now more than ever. We desperately need funds. None of these voyages would have been possible without you, our friends. Your emotional, political, and financial support is the foundation of all our successes.

We will not be deterred. With your support we will go to Gaza again and again, until this siege is forever shattered. Please give generously to keep us afloat and to ensure that the Palestinian people have free access to the rest of the world.

Sincerely Yours,
Huwaida Arraf
Greta Berlin
Eliza Ernshire
Derek Graham
Fathi Jaouadi
Ramzi Kysia
Vaggelis Pissias
The interim Board of Directors for the Free Gaza Movement

PS: We're suggesting a donation of €200, but please give what you can. Your contributions will go directly toward the purchase of a cargo ship and at least 2 new passenger vessels - making it that much more difficult for Israel to stop us on our next voyage.

* DONATE to Free Gaza by credit card through PayPal:
Visit our website for more information, or send donations directly through PayPal at "donations [at] freegaza.org"

* DONATE to Free Gaza by wire transfer: To donate by wire transfer, please send to:

EURO Account
Account name: F.G. Human Rights Projects Ltd
Account number: 0155-01-096552-00
IBAN: CY06 0020 0155 0000 0001 0965 5200
Bank Name: Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd
International Business Unit, Nicosia, Cyprus

US Dollar Account
Account name: F.G. Human Rights Projects Ltd
Account number: 0155-40-768398-06
IBAN: CY04 0020 0155 0000 0040 7683 9806
Bank Name: Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd
International Business Unit, Nicosia, Cyprus

GBP Sterling Account
Account name: F.G. Human Rights Projects Ltd
Account number: 0155-40-768401-01
IBAN: CY90 0020 0155 0000 0040 7684 0101
Bank Name: Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd
International Business Unit, Nicosia, Cyprus

For more information:
tel: +357 99 081 767




Israeli forces have seized an aid ship en route to Gaza, kidnapping the humanitarian volunteers on board.

Please email NOW to David Miliband (msu.correspondence@fco.gov.uk) and send a copy to your MP (http://www.writetothem.com)

Dear Foreign Secretary,

I was extremely concerned to hear the news today that the Israeli Navy illegally intercepted and boarded the Free Gaza ship 'Spirit of Humanity', whilst it was in international waters. It appears they have kidnapped the 21 human rights workers from 11 countries, including UK citizens Ishmahil Blagrove, Alex Harrison, Denis Healey, Fathi Jaouadi, Theresa McDermott and Adnan Mormesh, and taken the boat to an Israeli port.

The kidnapped human rights workers also include Mairead Maguire, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts towards reconciliation in Northern Ireland, and Cynthia McKinney, a former United States Congresswoman.

The boat holds medicine, toys, and other much needed humanitarian relief for the Palestinians living in Gaza under siege. Its cargo was searched and it received a security clearance by Cypriot Port Authorities before departure.

As the International Committee of the Red Cross said in their report released yesterday, the Palestinians living in Gaza are "trapped in despair." Thousands of Gazans whose homes were destroyed earlier during Israel's December/January massacre are still without shelter despite pledges of almost $4.5 billion in aid, because Israel refuses to allow cement and other building material into the Gaza Strip. The report also notes that hospitals are struggling to meet the needs of their patients due to Israel's disruption of medical supplies.

I urge you to insist that the Israeli Government immediately release the Spirit of Humanity and all its passengers, and take all the necessary steps to ensure it can complete its humanitarian mission in safety. I also urge you to act to ensure that the Israeli government does not commit any further acts of piracy and kidnapping of boats and their crew in international waters.

Irish Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire has been kidnapped
along with other aid workers by anti-humanitarian Israeli forces:
97% of Israelis agreed with former Israeli PM Tzipi Livni that there
is "no humanitarian crisis in Gaza". Maguire with most of the
international community disagreed and acted to aid imperilled Gazans.


Nobel winner is being deported

Press TV:
Former US lawmaker released from Israeli jail

Sky News:
Free Gaza Movement Britons Held in 'Atrocious' Israeli High Security Prison

Scots activist tells of tough conditions in Israeli prison

Cynthia McKinney speaks from her Israeli prison cell

Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports

Video report from Press TV

Scot among British activists 'kidnapped' by Israeli navy

Cynthia McKinney's account of a previous mission

Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire describes a previous Israeli attack, where she was the victim of plastic bullets and tear gas

Latest Al Jazeera update

donate to the Gaza Emergency Appeal at:

PO Box 999
London EC3A 3AA

or at any Post Office using freepay account 1210