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Dr James Thring of
Ministry of Peace
The Daily Telegraph

Dr James Thring

1st August 2009

Dear Sir,

Tom Moulton's reason for Britain entering WW1 was to avoid rule be a "militaristic, anti-democratic, semi-absolute monarchy" (letters, 30th July).

Unfortunately, Britain is all of these; invading two countries to crush a mythical threat and grab resources, thus endangering the public to counter-attack; governed by Cabinet that eschews popular indignation before launching wars, abandons rights such as trial before imprisonment and heaps taxpayers' money on its banker friends; and is ruled by a Premier unelected as such by the people.

So the 'war to end all wars' was sadly in vain. The sooner we recognise they are an irresponsible waste of lives and treasure and a cruel assault on the innocent, the sooner we may confront the real enemy within; the oligarchs who orchestrate them. For war is not 'legalised murder' as Henry Allingham bravely called it, but lawless murder by deception.

Yours faithfully,


BArch MCD (Liv) PhD (Cantab)


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