Dawn of a Revolution
- Death of a Hero

Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak with his Zioconservative paymaster President George W. Bush
After eighteen days of courageous protests, the Egyptian people seem to have succeeded in ousting the dictator and Zionist puppet Hosni Mubarak, though it is not yet clear whether sinister forces will attempt to resume some new form of dictatorship.
This is potentially not just the end of Mubarak, but the beginning of the end of Imperial control over Egypt which dates back in different forms to the British takeover in the late 1870s and early 1880s.
The Suez debacle in 1956 demonstrated that Britain had lost control and that the future hegemony would belong to the USA and Israel.
Now the determination of the Egyptian people has exposed the true weakness of these notoriously arrogant powers. Obama and Netanyahu now look as helpless as Eden was in 1956.
Of course there will be efforts by hidden forces to attempt to regain control of events. In this regard it is sad (and perhaps even suspicious) that February 10th saw the death of a great anti-Zionist Egyptian patriot, General Saad el-Shazly.
Gen. Shazly was 88 years old, so in normal circumstances one would not assume suspicious circumstances.
However the coincidence that he died just the day before a military coup, which had he been alive and in good health he would certainly have influenced in a strongly anti-Zionist direction, may give rise to suspicions.

Gen. Saad el-Shazly
In 1974 Gen. Shazly was appointed Egyptian Ambassador in London, but was immediately condemned in Parliament by Zionist MPs Stanley Clinton Davis and Michael Fidler, who called for his diplomatic accreditation to be refused because he had corresponded with British anti-Zionist leaders Colin Jordan and John Tyndall during the early 1960s, when Gen. Shazly was Egyptian defence attache in London.
The new Wilson government later in 1974 put pressure on the Egyptians, resulting in Gen. Shazly's transfer in 1975 to be Ambassador to Portugal. In June 1978 he spoke out against President Sadat's move towards dictatorship, and his 1986 book The Arab Military Option called for decisive united action against the Zionist occupiers.
During the 1990s he served a three year prison sentence in Egypt for his criticisms of the Mubarak regime.
It was fortunate that Gen. Shazly lived to see the beginning of the Egyptian Revolution that will consign that regime to the dustbin of history. It will be the best tribute to his memory for the Egyptian armed forces to rally behind the people in completing that Revolution and breaking the power of Zioconservatism and its stooges.
All supporters of truth and justice will join in sending their condolences to Gen. Shazly's family and friends.
Colin Jordan (left) and John Tyndall - Gen. Shazly was condemned in the UK Parliament for supporting these British anti-Zionists