Statement of World Foundation on Reviewing Holocaust
Persecution, conviction and imprisonment of critical scientists
and independent intellectuals in the West
Arrest of Dr. Fredrick Gerald Töben in early October 2008 in London Airport for criticizing the nature and effects of Holocaust, has worried the world independent scholars and intellectuals.
Dr. Töben is an independent researcher and thinker in the field of “Contemporary History of Europe” and also is the member of “International Fact-Finding Committee of Holocaust” and is the founder of “World Foundation for Reviewing Holocaust” who believes just like others that Holocaust dossier should be re-examined and re-surveyed.

Dr Fredrick Töben (fourth from left) with fellow members of the International Fact-Finding Committee on the Holocaust:
Dr Christian Lindtner (Denmark), Lady Michele Renouf (UK), Dr Mohammad Ali Ramin (Secretary, Iran), Bernhard Schaub (Switzerland) and Serge Thion (France).
Who should be condemned? Don't you think that those who claim there has been mass killing and slaughter of six million Jews by Germans during the Second World War in Europe should have at least appropriate documents to prove it? Or perhaps the researchers and those who make interrogation and inquiries should be condemned or punished? Indeed what was the crime of the scholars and scientists such as: Ernst Zündel, David Irving, Prof. Robert Faurisson, Prof. Roger Garaudy, Georges Theil, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Gerd Honsik, Siegfried Verbeke, Horst Mahler, Vincent Reynouard, Juergen Graf, Fredrick Töben, Sylvia Stolz, Pedro Varela, Germar Rudolf and ... or other scholars, scientists, lawyers, people's representatives and western citizens?

Jailed European and Canadian revisionists and their jailed lawyers
What the European politicians are doing exactly by expanding unfounded allegations and falsified and unsubstantiated ideas or preventing the expansion of any liberal ideas of researchers for finding the truths? Except that they are trying to encourage people to accept what they have quoted in the press and mass media regarding Holocaust.
Is it possible that by suppression of independent researchers and intellectuals, they try to pursue western societies to accept the arbitrary and despotic claims concerning Holocaust?
Does this mean that by the dismissal of critic scientists and scholars from scientific centres or by discharge of liberal intellectuals from European judicial, executive and legislative powers who protest against Holocaust, all the claims concerning Holocaust could be true? Or will it create further stability for these countries?
Don't you think that psychological war against those who seek the truths regarding Holocaust, or persecution, torture and trial of intellectuals, or arrest and imprisonment of political activists and negation of those who protest against foreign domination over Europeans destiny will lead to further problems for Zionism?

Neturei Karta rabbis sat alongside Iranian scholars
at the 2006 Teheran conference
What is going on today in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium and Switzerland against truth-seeking individuals and people who fight “Zionist Domination”? Nothing rather than creating fear. But this trend would further divert the “detest against Israel Zionism dominating over Europe and America” towards “detest against Jewish and Judaism”.
According to the experiences of the last three thousand years, these kinds of unpleasant acts will lead to further reactions of people against arrogant domineers and tyrannizes.
Today “Fredrick Töben” who is Australian, would be arrested in London Airport and imprisoned for expressing his views about Holocaust. So what would be the next reaction of liberal Europeans who are against domination of America (U.S) and Israel?
Is it possible to construct prisons worse than Guantanamo in all over Europe for capturing those who are against domination of Israel and US?
Is it possible to continue the political serial-killings and massacre against opponents of American, Israeli and British domination? Particularly after brutal assassination of “Uwe Barschel" (prime minister of the province of Schleswig-Holstein), Petra Kelly and General Gert Bastian (founder of Green Party of Germany), Edoardo Agnelli (Muslim martyr, intellectual and son of Italian capitalist), David Kelly (senior expert in the Ministry of War in UK) and recently Jörg Haider (the national politician elected by the people of Austria).
The silence of press vis-a-vis the imprisonment of significant European scholars and intellectuals who are indeed trying to find the facts such as Töben, Stolz, Honsik, Rudolf, Frölich, Zündel and conviction of Garaudy, Faurisson, Verbeke and Reynouard and others, have made all the knowledgeable people worried regarding the continuation of these cruel acts.
The question is if the European intellectuals are arrested and condemned only for expressing their ideas and thoughts, then what would be the conduct of European citizens in the future?
Don't you think that as a result of these suppressions, severe punishment, despotism, oppression and assassination, there will be uprising and broad-based violations?
“The World Foundation on Reviewing Holocaust”, while expressing its concern vis-a-vis all these events, recommends all the states, parliaments and judicial powers of European countries to make their best efforts in order to preserve “the main European values after medieval ages” which are “freedom of expression” and “freedom of thoughts” and “respect for human rights” and “democracy”. They should not sacrifice their valuable ideas only for ill-intended and unreasonable demands of the Zionists.
The World Foundation requests all the politicians, judges, writers, intellectuals and European press to support the independent researchers and critics who follow the dossier of Holocaust, vis-a-vis the accusations of the Zionists and their followers and to help the "International Fact Finding Committee" to find the truth.
Mohammad Ali Ramin, Secretary of World Foundation on Reviewing Holocaust
Tehran, October 29, 2008

On December 12th 2006 Lady Renouf addressed the Tehran International Conference reviewing the Holocaust. This is the text of her speech on that occasion
Dear colleagues, dear Iranian comrades,
I am deeply grateful for this invitation from the IPIS [Institute for Political and International Studies] to take part in these historic two days we share. Those glorious, truth-expressing days remind me of a famous scene in Shakespeare’s play King Henry V (Act 4, Scene 3), where this medieval nobleman tells his modest band of comrades that those who are not here to stand firm with him shall one day come to regret with shame and sorrow their cowardice:
… He which hath no stomach for this fight
Let him depart…
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This story shall the good man teach his son...
From this day to the ending of the world
But we in it shall be remembered;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother...
And gentlemen in England now a’bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here
And hold their manhoods cheap whilst any speaks
That fought with us upon [St Mahmoud’s!] day.
In our era, we have precious few noble statesmen. So I come to Teheran to congratulate the Iranian people who voted Dr Ahmadinejad president. For this valiant statesman seeks to speak the truth, bravely. So do my noble revisionist colleagues whose right to open debate I proudly champion; they do so bravely, no matter if to their personal cost in being demonized, ostracized, or even imprisoned for expressing a rational, source-analytical opinion. Indeed, when President Ahmadinejad called the so-called “Free World” grotesquely hypocritical for its deceit to impose its so-called “democracy” in the Middle East and Iran, he has been fully vindicated – for we, from the so-called “Free World”, are only free to voice our views in peace-loving Iran.

Lady Renouf presents President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with a copy of the DVD Jailing Opinions and the Ernst Zündel documentary, Setting the Record Straight
Now I must apologize to my respectable hosts who do not want to include in their programme a critique of Judaism. This session’s topic is “Nazism, Zionism and Holocaust”. I am sorry to say that these topics will get us nowhere, for they are red herrings that throw us off the scent of the truly dangerous quarry which actually prompted the creation of each of them.
I must stress that I speak independently and only in my name, not in that of an association or organisation. I believe that the two great prophets – Christ and Mohammed – saw in Judaism a dangerously misanthropic tendency, and that each held up a mirror to the fundamentally anti-Gentile narcissism in the pious deceit aroused by a Jewish God-Father and Election of Chosen Children.
When I was reading for two years for a Master’s Degree at the Jesuit College of Heythrop (part of the University of London), I saw its College Principal preach to Jewish congregations in Reform Synagogues that the Two Biblical Covenants stand side by side. Thus, in spite of New Testament theology, Jesuits now defer to the first Covenant of the Old Testament (or Torah) between only the Chosen Children and their Jewish God-Father.
Not only theologically, but psychologically speaking the Judaic Old Testament proved disastrous for being based on a bad father-model role. For we know as parents that, in life, a father who favours one of his children above all the others will increase that child’s self-centredness and increase its motivation to sustain this selfish, loveless sense of self-supremacy, whilst in the unfavoured children, a low morale, or sibling rivalry, will result. Both Christ and Mohammed warned mankind of this disaffection. Christ warned us of the “brood of vipers” and begged his Jewish brothers and sisters to reject the anti-Gentile oral teachings which later on became the written Talmud. Mohammed warned of the same “deceivers”, but said that Christians may be trusted.
I am sorry to say that Christianity today has been so corrupted by the secular race supremacy religion of Holocaustianity that many Christians are rendered quite untrustworthy by their collusion with Judaism. Indeed, as Rabbi Friedman exposed in his speech yesterday, Christian leaders, drawn by an enthrallingly plausible Holocaust narrative, began forsaking Christ’s teachings since the 1960s, to revere Auschwitz – the sacrificial burnt offering site of a so-called covenantal bargain for Israel – as The “Holy of Holies”. Thus, theologically, these Christian leaders no longer attest to the New Testament and its Only Son’s anti-vanity Covenant, which was meant to supersede the dangerous election of one “chosen children” above all others. For pointing out in my university essays that this false and treacherous hyphenating of Judaism with Christianity is like wearing a T-shirt saying Jesus loves you, but I am his favourite, and thus completely undermining the humility message from Christ, I was asked to “study elsewhere”!

Lady Renouf at the conference podium
Now, I do know from the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta orthodox rabbis that there is a difference of approach between Judaism and Zionism; I know this from the interviews their brethren in London gave me for my film documentary trilogy entitled Israel in Flagrante: Caught in acts of Twistspeak.
However, it is my considered view – based on the parallel teaching of Christ and Mohammed – as well as from the Soncino edition of the Jewish law books called the Talmud - that Talmudic laws authorize Jews to deceive non-Jews in their over-riding Jewish race supremacy mission … just as the not less secular motto of the Mossad which is “By Way of Deception”.
Judaism and its followers do have a right to exist. And a safe place on the planet must be found where Jews can follow their beliefs, but without interfering with other cultures and without their “Weapons of Mass Destruction” which, according to the tenets of the Talmud, they do not care to reveal to us. This is typical of the teaching of the Talmud, legal twistspeak, by which the focus of attention is turned away from their secretive behaviour to charge other nations – Iraq for instance – and now Iran, for so much as maybe planning to create defensive Weapons of Mass Destruction. Given Israel’s borderless state intention to claim for itself a “Promised Land” from “the Nile to the Euphrates”, surely its neighbours would be justified in doing so ?
The World now knows that we were lied to when we (the coalition of the duped) went into yet another inter-gentile war (this time with an innocent Iraq) for no one’s benefit other than the usual third party’s. For the true cause and effect facts are as follows:
Organised World Jewry, in its visible form as the State of Israel, does have Weapons of Mass Destruction (curiously since the mid 1940s at a time when it is said European Jewry had mostly perished). Iraq did not have WMD, and Iran does not.
Leading to the creation of the State of Israel (gradually for over a century by “disappearing the indigenous people” and seizing land), the Zionists expelled more than half of the Palestinian population, and they still brutally oppress those who remained. Iran does not oppress its Jewish minority.
Yes, I too, like the Neturei Karta, believe in a peaceful dismantling of the Israeli entity in Palestine. And, of course, one should add, the proper reparations from Israel for its criminal pirating of Palestine – a pirating planned and announced by Theodor Herzl in 1897, when, incidentally, Adolf Hitler was aged eight years old!
Let us get the cause and effect straight: Zionism predated Nazism by half a century. Likewise, Judaism’s anti-gentilism predates so-called anti-semitism.
But, unlike the Neturei Karta rabbis, I do not believe the answer is to re-disperse, among the nations, the Jewish people who are anti-gentile by their own misfortunate religious definition and mission.
This dispersement is unworkable, as their history has shown. For the one question we never hear asked in public discourse is this:
Why has Jewish behaviour throughout the ages – and even well before the arrival of Christianity, as is attested by ancient Roman sources – been met everywhere else eventually with angry pogroms, the best publicized being the expulsion and persecution policy of the 1930s and 1940s across Europe?
This question is not asked because it is considered “anti-semitic” even to draw attention to the fact that World Jewry had openly declared economic warfare on Germany as early as in 1933. So naturally the agents of the “Trojan Horse”, as leading Zionist Chaim Weizmann called the Jews in German-dominated Europe, were (partly) interned in concentration camps after the outbreak of the war. Other “normal wartime activities against enemy agents”, as truthful Jewish observers like Benjamin Freedman put it, were also taken.
I do not want to see any race or species of flora or fauna on our planet to be eliminated. Equally, I do not want my own race eliminated through mass immigration policies, which were curiously undertaken as a global strategy since the establishment of Holocaustianity. The differences in our races and their cultures (as prompted by their authentic placements) are the glory of our planet.
We are being persuaded, through the mispackaging of policy presentations to the public, to diminish the true nature of our races and cultures in this disastrous multi-cultural, multi-racial experiment, which, curiously, is to be implemented everywhere except in Israel and which will lead to our self-destruction. There is no hate in what I am saying, as will be smeared over me, of course, in the usual attempts to discredit any critique of Jewish misanthropic behaviour: “to save [only] a jewish life is to save the world”. I speak no hatred; I speak up for the rescue of the planet and its peoples, as Mother Nature created.

Professor Robert Faurisson and Lady Michèle Renouf
at the Tehran Conference
No race, no species, need be killed. Truth alone renders harmful liars impotent. But if we fail to address the whole truth and instead content ourselves, like cowards, with half-truths (of the type “Judaism is good, only Zionism is bad”), Judaism’s chameleon-like ability to dupe the nations into bowing to its supremacy will mean we keep performing inter-gentile wars by proxy, for Judaism’s sake alone, like the First and the Second World War, the War on Iraq (and next on Iran, we are told). That is, war for no benefit to either gentile side, only to the usual third party, the “Trojan horse”, as Dr. Chaim Weizmann put it.
Now, because of the big lie about Iraq – a lie which has brought blood and shame upon all who were in the thrall of pro-Zionist foreign policies – the world will perhaps be ready for realizing that the instrument of Holocaustianity is set to play off the nations upon a fabricated collision course.
In sum: “This story shall the good man teach his son...” as do the prophets Christ and Mohammed who warned their followers of the perils of Judaism’s “Election”.
Robert Faurisson's Tehran Conference speech is online here
The American author Michael Collins Piper said of Lady Renouf's Tehran speech:
One speaker in particular broke the basic mold of the conference. That was
Lady Michèle Renouf of Britain. Acknowledging the potentially inflammatory
nature of her remarks, Lady Renouf suggested that the root of the modern day
conflicts between Jewish people and the people of Palestine has more
historic antecedents, going back through the centuries.
Bradley Smith of CODOH wrote in his conference report:
A significant event of the Conference was a nighttime meeting of revisionists [ed. note: and Holocaust believers, which included several Neturei Karta rabbis] - most of those at the Conference were not primarily revisionists - held in the basement of the IPIS guest house where it was decided, after a good deal of heated back and forth, to form what would be called 'The World "Holocaust" Foundation'.
One initial consideration of the Foundation will be to see if we cannot "take the show on the road." This was the simple phrase introduced by Lady Michèle Renouf, and accepted by those present.
The good lady was also responsible for shooting down a proposition to include considerations of the "holocausts" in Darfur and other places around the globe. Rising to her feet and speaking heatedly she said: "That is not why we are here. It is the Jewish holocaust that holds us in thrall." The expression - not the thought - took me by surprise. It is the Story holds us in "thrall".
A committee of five was elected by secret ballot to represent the Foundation. Those elected were Lady M. Renouf, Dr Frederick Toben, Serge Thion, Dr Christian Lindtner and Bernhard Schaub. The Foundation will be sponsored by the Iranian Government and will be headed by an Iranian, Dr Mohammed Ali Ramin of the Foreign Ministry, a man in his 40s who, while he does not speak English, only Farsi and German, struck me as an individual of sound character and good humour, and someone who can get things done.
The hysterical international media reaction to the conference vindicated Lady Renouf's observations. For example, the New York Review of Books, even though it has itself been the victim of Zionist bullying, published this letter condemning the conference signed by 100+ Iranians, mostly exiles who now operate various pro-American fronts.
More recently the Conservative MP Andrew Pelling, in a remarkable unintentional self-parody, gave us a perfect example of a "democratic" politician who seeks to demonise critics of Israel.
As Jews worldwide celebrate the festival of Purim, we join David Duke in wondering whether widespread neo-conservative comparisons between President Ahmadinejad and the biblical villain Haman indicate that extremist Jews may be planning a Purim-style massacre via an invasion of Iran.