Huge penalties were inflicted on me (a year’s imprisonment and over 100,000 euros in fines, damages and costs) for diffusing a little autobiographical book entitled Un cas d’insoumission (in English, Heresy in 21st Century France: a case of insubmission to the “Holocaust” dogma), relating the intellectual path taken by a young man troubled, at first, by the two great conflicts of the 20th century that had carried off his father and grandfather, then becoming somewhat doubtful in the face of the official version of the Second World War — as much with regard to the origins thereof as to the number of victims, to be brief. And who, in the course of his research, quickly ran into all sorts of obstruction, and threats of sanctions at his job if he persisted, finally ending up being taken to court for writing his conclusions, iconoclastic in the eyes of the “official truth’s” guardians.

[...] …the basis of our present reflection, the work of Robert Faurisson as completed by Fred Leuchter’s and Germar Rudolf’s technical reports. Robert Faurisson’s findings have not allowed of refutation, as we know (but the media go on making believe they know nothing about it); the Leuchter and Rudolf studies haven’t been the subject of any counter-studies, either, so rigorous are they: they are therefore kept carefully hidden from view by the promoters of the official version.