A pertinent article by
Dr James B. Thring
Although the Israelis have never recognised Palestine, the Palestinians and the rest of humanity should recognise Israel for what it is - an illegal, criminal, psychopathic, belligerent, apartheid entity bent on desecrating the Holy Land and destroying anyone or even any country that tries to seek justice for the Palestinians.
The rest of the world should condemn it, take it to court, isolate it and if it fails to comply, it should suffer the same fate it meets out to the Palestinians and other Arab states: 1) Sanctions; 2) Threat of UN military force; 3) Invasion and occupation until 'stability' and 'peace' in the Middle East is achieved.
'Illegal' because it was set up without full UN recognition and without establishing fixed borders. The Arab contingent of the Mandate Commission, led by Iraq in 1947, never agreed to the Partition Plan. Moreover, what support the Plan did have in the UN was twisted from the politicians of the major powers, the USA, Britain, Russia, and France, by financial bribes, acts of terrorism and murder.

Israeli terrorist and prime minister
Menachem Begin
President Truman's election campaign in 1948 was funded by Zionist banker Bernard Baruch to encourage him to recognise the state. Britain's Foreign Minister was sent a letter bomb by Menachem Begin of Irgun because he was dragging his feet over the agreement. The UN representative himself, Count Bernadotte, who drew up the Partition Plan, was murdered by the Zionist Stern Gang. But the subsequent establishment of the entity is on ever increasing areas of Palestine, far beyond Count Bernadotte's official UN boundary or even the later ones.

The plan for a partitioned Palestine drawn up by UN mediator Count Bernadotte, murdered by the Zionist terrorist Stern Gang
'Criminal' because the list of crimes against the Palestinians includes every type of crime, from embezzlement, through common theft, corruption and wholesale deception to apartheid, ethnic cleansing, massacre, murder, killing women and children, false imprisonment and torture, right through to ignoring International Court of Justice rulings and UN Resolutions and changing the definition of crimes themselves.
'Psychopathic' because its armed forces shoot to kill, civilians, peace-workers, UN agents and anyone who stands in their way. Also, because the slightest criticism is instantly interpreted as a cause of war, as in the forecast by President Ahmadinejad that "the Zionist Entity would one day be removed from the pages of history". Iran is now terrorized by threat of nuclear devastation by Israel and her big USA brother.

Typical Israeli propaganda linking Iran to Holocaust mythology
'Belligerent' because it initiates outright warfare on whole countries that may be thinking of coming to the aid of the Palestinians or even innocently harbouring Palestinian refugees from the Israeli regime itself, as shown by the recent attack and destruction of Lebanon for the third time since 1974. It now has the US Armed Forces to destroy other countries for it. Iraq is the first major casualty, the siege having been orchestrated by prominent friend of Israel and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and the 2003 invasion orchestrated by neo-Con Zionists Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, William Kristol and others, with vital misinformation about WMD and nuclear supplies from Israel itself. And now it has plans to attack Iran with US assistance because Iran is aiding Hizbollah which leads Palestinian resistance to Israeli atrocities.
'Apartheid' because it allows Jews freedom to live on Palestinian land but denies this Human Right to Palestinians who have been terrorized out of it. It builds and polices roads for Jews only, even in the only parcels of land left for the Palestinians. 'It treats the Palestinians who remain in Israel worse than Israeli cattle', as a French observer noted after hearing testimony from the '400 Villagers'. It denies free trade to Palestinians, re-labelling their output, when they can produce anything, as 'Israeli'. And like South Africa, it exploits Palestinian labour but denies them rights to live in Israel or enjoy civil facilities like access to fair justice, education and healthcare. It even takes Palestinian taxes and spends them on its own facilities. The wall is an illegal symbol of this Apartheid nightmarish policy and a painful barrier to sustainable existence in Palestine.
Dr James Thring is convener of Planning for Peace and author of Peace with Iran
Hamas won a landslide victory in the 2006 Palestinian elections, but is still frequently dismissed by Western politicians and their media mouthpieces as a "terrorist" organisation.
The Palestinian Information Center gives a Hamas persepctive on current events.