Today ‘Holocaust Memorial Day’ will be marked with the type of compulsory and uncritical respect once reserved for the holiest days of the Christian calendar.
While many forms of blasphemy – whether against Christianity or Islam – are tolerated or even encouraged, Holocaustianity has become a new compulsory religion. In most European countries, to disrespect its tenets is to risk imprisonment, as found by the octogenarian Horst Mahler and the nonagenarian Ursula Haverbeck.
No doubt the Russian, Polish and Ukrainian governments will engage in a form of political limbo dance today, competing as to how low it is possible to crawl in obeisance to international Zionism on its holiest day.
The big difference of course is that the authorities in Moscow (unlike those in Warsaw or Kyiv) are undoubtedly sitting on a mountain of evidence that contradicts the orthodox Holocaustian narrative. It was of course Stalin’s Red Army that ‘liberated’ Auschwitz on 27th January 1945, and Holocaust Memorial Day marks the anniversary of that event, which was swiftly followed by the arrival of a Soviet “commission” under the aegis of the KGB.

It was this Soviet commission that compiled the “evidence” regarding Auschwitz, from which the edifice of Holocaustianity was constructed. Its estimate of four million deaths at Auschwitz was literally carved in stone at the camp’s memorial, until being hastily replaced after the fall of the Soviet Union. For more than thirty years a new statistic of 1.1 million Auschwitz deaths has been officially quoted, though mysteriously the overall number of alleged Jewish victims of the ‘Holocaust’ has remained at six million, despite the removal of almost three million from the Auschwitz death toll.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, himself a former KGB officer, has been quick to issue his own Holocaustian statement today, asserting the shared experience of Russians and Jews as ‘Holocaust’ victims. The statement has been circulated by Russian Embassies around the world.
But more than thirty years ago, the great revisionist scholar Professor Robert Faurisson discovered that, as he put it, the origin of the myth of the gas chambers went back to a year before the Bolshevik Revolution – to 1916 in fact, when the anti-German allies of those days (including pre-Bolshevik Russia) “spread about the tale of Serbs being gassed systematically and in large numbers by the Germans, the Austrians and their Bulgarian allies. The gassings were reportedly taking place in delousing facilities, churches and other places.”
This important essay has now been translated and posted at the newly reconstructed Faurisson Archive. It should be read as an urgent antidote to the many mystifications and outright lies that will be broadcast on Holocaust Memorial Day, from Moscow to Madrid, from Tel Aviv to Toronto.