This week Spanish patriots marked two contrasting anniversaries from the Second World War, and defied attempts by European governments to silence real history.
Devenir Europeo organised a nationwide campaign of posters, leaflets and stickers commemorating the greatest crime of the war – the destruction of Dresden in February 1945 by the Royal Air Force and the American USAAF in a deliberate terror bombing of unprecedented scale and brutality. (Click here for an analysis of the background to that war crime.)
This educational campaign focused on Spanish universities, museums and other symbolic venues including the ‘Winston Churchill Park’ opened a decade ago in Barcelona, where (thanks to Devenir Europeo activists) citizens and tourists were this week able to see the true face of Winston Churchill, the war criminal.

This week Spaniards marked their own very different anniversary: eighty years ago, in February 1943, the 4,000 volunteers of the División Azul defeated a vastly greater force from Stalin’s Red Army at the Battle of Krasny Bor, near Leningrad, enabling German forces to regroup and – after what had seemed certain defeat – maintain the Leningrad front for another year.
Speaking at the División Azul memorial at the Almudena cemetery in Madrid, Isabel Peralta – a brave campaigner for real history, Devenir Europeo activist, and Heritage & Destiny correspondent – explained that her compatriots won their great victory at Krasny Bor not because they had greater numbers or better weapons, but because they had a higher faith in the true European ideal.
(Isabel was speaking under Spanish jurisdiction where her words are legal: we report them here in the interest of accuracy and for readers’ information, while acknowledging that we would not use the same words in the UK or in other jurisdictions where they are illegal.)