Readers will have heard rumours for some months that the great historian David Irving is seriously ill. This morning a statement from his family confirmed the sad news that Mr Irving now requires 24-hour nursing care and is no longer able to continue the work that has transformed our understanding of 20th century history.
David Irving, who will be 86 next month, published his first book The Destruction of Dresden in 1963. In this and many subsequent works – based on the groundbreaking study of archival documents as well as interviews with central participants in the events of the Second World War, and access to private letters and diaries – he earned both the wrath of ‘official’ propagandists and the gratitude of readers worldwide.

In this essay from 2022 I showed how the MI6-linked propaganda agency IRD worked with the Churchill family in efforts to discredit David Irving’s work during the late 1960s and 1970s. They employed the same agent who more than three decades earlier had concocted a campaign of lies against Adolf Hitler during the future Führer‘s election campaigns!
David Irving’s family are appealing for help from his many readers worldwide, so as to ensure that he is able to live with the dignity he deserves at this difficult time of his life, and that his life’s work is preserved for future generations.
Please click here for details of how you can help this great historian and his family.