Solicitor hails "total victory"
in Töben case
On the afternoon of 19th November 2008, while the British Parliament debased itself in an act of homage to the President of a bandit state, a small group of campaigners won a major victory for freedom of debate with the release of a jailed historian.
Australian academic Dr. Fredrick Töben had
been held in London's Wandsworth Prison since his arrest at Heathrow
Airport on 1st October. Though not accused of any offence against
English law, he was detained under a European Arrest Warrant issued
by the German authorities, who sought to put him on trial in Mannheim
District Court for the "crime" of publishing historical
source critical opinions on the internet.

Dr. Fredrick Töben and Lady Renouf
Such opinions are criminalised by the notorious
"Section 130" of the German Criminal Code, and Dr. Töben
was facing a five year prison sentence. A few weeks ago the Mannheim
prosecutor Andreas
Grossmann boasted to the press that he expected Dr. Töben
to be in a German prison by early next year. Grossmann also indicated
his inquisitorial pride in the fact that those incarcerated for
their opinions in Germany "have little chance of getting
out before the end of their full sentence," because of their
refusal to recant.
Happily Mr. Grossmann's hubris met Nemesis in
the Miss Marple form of District Judge Daphne Wickham at the City
of London Magistrates Court in Horseferry Road, who ruled
that the German warrant was invalid.
Judge Wickham upheld the argument of Dr. Töben's
defence barrister Ben Watson that the German authorities had not
given sufficient detail in their warrant as to the exact nature
of Dr. Töben's "crime" a deficiency which proved
impossible to rectify, perhaps because of the vagueness of the
very concept of "Holocaust" in the German law, which
itself does not specify what may or may not be "denied"
and does not even mention the supposedly "obvious" method
of industrial mass murder by gassing. The authorities had referred
merely to "worldwide internet publication" of historical
arguments forbidden under Section 130, without specifying exactly
which web page or email was concerned, or when it was published,
or exactly where it was published. The warrant failed even to
specify the manner in which Dr. Töben had infringed Section
130, which refers vaguely to arguments which approve, deny or
minimise the extent of what are asserted to be the "manifestly
obvious" historical facts about National Socialist Germany.
Clearly the prosecutors had presumed that Dr. Töben would
defend himself, and that his amateur legal resources would be
insufficient against the might and expertise of the combined British
and German governments,
British Crown prosecutors, acting on behalf of
their German counterparts, appealed to London's High Court in
an effort to reinstate the warrant and resume the extradition
process - but on 19th November this appeal was dramatically abandoned
with an executive order made for his immediate release in what
solicitor Kevin Lowry-Mullins dubbed a "total victory"
for Dr. Töben's extradition experts.

Kevin Lowry-Mullins: "total victory"
Having begun the day in a Wandsworth prison cell,
Dr. Töben spent the evening at a champagne reception in St.
James's as a guest of Michèle, Lady Renouf, who had coordinated
his defence campaign and recruited the specialist legal team of
Kevin Lowry-Mullins of Dass Solicitors and barrister Ben Watson
of 3 Raymond Buildings.

Dr. Töben and Lady Renouf at a champagne reception
on the evening of his release
Lady Renouf believes that with Dr. Töben
now fully vindicated, Germany's oppressive laws are now in the
dock. The court of international opinion now charges 21st century
Germany with crimes against traditional European standards of
justice and free scientific enquiry. These standards were inherited
from Classical Greece, which valued the inseparable four virtues
of wisdom (with scientific attitude), temperance, courage and
Joining the German state in the dock is the U.K.'s
Attorney General Baroness Scotland, who supervises the Crown Prosecution
Service which unjustly imprisoned Dr. Töben for fifty days
on a warrant which failed even to meet the minimum standards required
to allow an extradition hearing to proceed.

Baroness Scotland
Baroness Scotland herself (in an earlier role as Home Office Minister) was responsible for piloting the Extradition Act through the House of Lords. She specifically assured Parliament in 2003 that revisionist historians such as Dr. Töben would not be subject to extradition under European Arrest Warrants for publishing their views on the internet. Yet five years later she allowed her senior officials to proceed with exactly the type of extradition which she had promised Parliament could never take place. If she has any sense of personal honour or political responsibility, Baroness Scotland will submit her resignation forthwith.
Meanwhile Dr. Töben will proceed with his
historical work, secure in the knowledge that despite the perfidy
of British politicians, the London courts have rescued their country's
honour and preserved the proud heritage of Magna Carta.
Let this victory for traditional freedom lead
to the rolling back of tyranny from those European countries which
jail opinions and increasingly jail lawyers for defending them.
Dr. Töben's defeat of the seemingly invincible should lead
to a renewed offensive against oppressive European laws, winning
long overdue freedom for Ernst Zündel, Germar Rudolf, Sylvia
Stolz, Gerd Honsik and Wolfgang Fröhlich - and the removal
of legal threats to Vincent Reynouard, Jürgen Graf, Robert
Faurisson and many fearless scientists and other scholars who
insist there should be no
exceptions to the normal revisionist method. They stand in
defence of debate and rational argument, in defiance of the anti-educational
edict of the Stockholm International Forum 2000, which attempts
to prescribe guidelines for teaching about the Holocaust. These
guidelines are about to be enshrined in the U.K.'s education policy,
backed by a multimillion-pound propaganda industry promoting a
one-sided approach to what should be a democratically debateable,
multifaceted subject. The sudden halt to the extradition process
against Dr. Töben has already prompted diverse commentators,
including the Jewish
Chronicle and Jerusalem
Post, to call for revisionism to be combated in the classroom
rather than the courtroom. Dr. Töben and his fellow scholars,
freed from the Damoclean shadow of 21st century German "justice",
stand ready to take open debate of historical truth onto this
new front.
Dr. Töben's European spokesman Lady Renouf
wishes to thank all those wellwishers who have helped to keep
up Dr. Töben's spirits during his incarceration and who indicated
their willingness to contribute towards his £100,000 bail
security, happily no longer required.
Further information can be obtained from Lady Renouf, Tel/Fax 0208 460 7453, email:
click here for Lady Renouf's earlier report
(including two new videos)
Töben arrested:
letters to
Australian High Commissioner
backed by Liberal Democrat MP
+ new
article by Chris Huhne MP

Neturei Karta attacked
arson destroys dissident Jews' HQ

Ernst Zündel - five year jail sentence

Robert Faurisson - new translation
of Tehran interview
Germar Rudolf - 30 month jail sentence
David Irving - speech to Oxford
Union breaks anti-revisionist taboo
The background to the worldwide
persecution of Holocaust revisionists is examined in Lady Renouf's
new DVD Jailing Opinions,
reviewed here.
Further information about Ernst Zündel's
battle for truth and justice can be found at the
